Wess's - Cessna 172

Wess from IL (1973 C-172):
I am very happy with the work.  The paint is applied very evenly, is extremely smooth, and has a beautiful gloss.  The colored paint scheme was applied exactly as per my sketches, and the metallic colors have great depth due to excellent metallic and clear coat paint application.  I will certainly recommend your paint shop to anyone looking to have their airplane painted. I would be happy to let you use me as a reference.
After arrival
Wings and rear part of fuselage stripped
Wing stripped
(Bottom view)
Stripping complete
Stripping complete
Old patch next to baggage door
Getting ready for new plastics - corrosion "chromate" primer - it is difficult to paint those areas after strut fairings are instaled
Just before leaving to Tom's shop
Just before leaving to Tom's shop
Hail damage repair - corrosion "chromate" primer
Hail damage repair
Hail damage repaired - after primer
Hail damage repaired - after primer
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on...
Stripping control surfaces
Stripping control surfaces
Masking windows, antennas, etc..
Hail damage repair
Fixing fiberglass and plastic parts - all new and old screws are removed, and will be reinstalled (old ones replaced) after painting
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on... Cowl parts, wheel pants, window frames, spinner...
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on... All removable parts - inspection plates, wing root covers, tail section covers, etc.. - on the wall are painted separately...
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on...
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on... All Inspections plates removed - before stripping and painting
Corrosion protection primer sprayed on...
Fixing fiberglass and plastic parts - all new and old screws are removed, and will be reinstalled (old ones replaced) after painting
More patching....
More patching....
More patching....
and more patching....
Primer over patches
Primer over patches
Primer over patches
Primer over patches
White base paint on.... Mirror anybody??
White base paint on....
White base paint on....
White base paint on.... Ya, ya... I had to do that too...
Masked for scheme
Ruby red metalic
Black velvet metalic
Green gold metalic
Clear base and un-masked
Clear base and un-masked
Clear base and un-masked
Have safe trip, Wess.